Sunday, February 03, 2008

What I Learned on Sunday

If you weren't already aware, Chinese New Year is this Thursday. I had always assumed that, like the western New Year, it is celebrated at midnight local time. Apparently, however, from what I gathered in talking to an international student, no matter where you are, the Chinese year starts when it's midnight in China. Although I'm guessing China has multiple time zones, so I'm not exactly sure how that works.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

New Feature - What I Learned Today

Writing isn't happening a lot lately. I apologize. I have four or five posts half-done, but haven't managed to finish any of them. When I get time, this blog will be deluged, I guess. :)

In the meantime, I realize I'm learning lots of neat things lately, which should be shared. So, I'm going to attempt a semi-daily feature called "What I learned today". Some of it will be geeky, some of it not. I haven't learned anything exciting yet today, but here are two recent ones:

1. When linking to a PDF file on the web, you can specify which page should be loaded. In the href, after you put the filename (folders/filename.pdf), you add "#page=" and the page number.

2. The official difference between a calzone and a stromboli is that, while both have mozzarella cheese in them, calzones also have ricotta.

All content (c) 2005-09 Nathan I. Allen
Biblical quotes are from the English Standard Version, (c) 2001 by Crossway Bibles, unless otherwise noted

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