Saturday, February 02, 2008

New Feature - What I Learned Today

Writing isn't happening a lot lately. I apologize. I have four or five posts half-done, but haven't managed to finish any of them. When I get time, this blog will be deluged, I guess. :)

In the meantime, I realize I'm learning lots of neat things lately, which should be shared. So, I'm going to attempt a semi-daily feature called "What I learned today". Some of it will be geeky, some of it not. I haven't learned anything exciting yet today, but here are two recent ones:

1. When linking to a PDF file on the web, you can specify which page should be loaded. In the href, after you put the filename (folders/filename.pdf), you add "#page=" and the page number.

2. The official difference between a calzone and a stromboli is that, while both have mozzarella cheese in them, calzones also have ricotta.

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All content (c) 2005-09 Nathan I. Allen
Biblical quotes are from the English Standard Version, (c) 2001 by Crossway Bibles, unless otherwise noted

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